Friday, March 12, 2010


Harvested Onions


Harvested 4-120 ft rows, 3 rows per bed , 3000 cloves of Garlic and strung them in groups of 10 in barn


In Attendance : Jara, Abi, Joe, Connor, David, and 5 other people

Summer has finally arrived. Fields are still wet but getting better

- tiller was being fixed by Gene, so we spent a lot of time digging and weeding the rest of the 1/2 rows in lower field . We couldn't find the starts to transplant (Squash) and didn't have Rutabega seed with us, so we seeded 1-1/2 bed of purple top white Globe Turnip, 3 rows in a bed
- Everyone weeded the lower field and only weeded one bed of Tomatoes and Eggplant up above
- Folks took home Lettuce , but there's still more weeds to come out soon
- we need more help with weeding the upper field!

7/12/09 Bee Wrokshop

- Bee Workshop , lots of people in Attendance(20)

- planted Beets, 1" apart in 3 rows (1.5 beds)(120 row ft, beds 80 ft)
- set up drip irrigation
- transplanted Cucumbers, planted 1 ft apart, 50 ft
- transplanted Squash, planted 3 ft apart, 50 ft
- transplanted Kale, 1 ft apart, in Lettuce bed covered w/ Reimei
- transplanted short Cabbage, 18" apart, in Lettuce bed covered w/ Reimei ( 80 ft)


- planted 6 beds of Potatoes(80FT)
- 2 rows of Purple Majesty (10 lbs)
- 1 row of all Red(10 lbs)
- 2 rows Kennebec (25lbs)
- 1/2 row of Yukon (10 lbs)
- 1/2 row of Katahdin ( 10 lbs)
- planted rest of Carrots (1/2 bed- 40 ft, 2 rows per bed)


Its been very wet!

-planted 1/2 bed of Parsnips(3 rows)
-planted 4 beds (1/2 bed) Carrots, Danvers(3 rows per bed)


In Attendance: Jara, Karin, Abi, Margot, Jeff, Jo, Dylan, Sarah, Danielle, John Henry

-planted Eggplant-12" apart(1/4 row)*
-planted Cauliflower- 12" apart(1/4 row)*
-planted Brussel Sprouts- 1/2 row, 12" apart*
* All covered with Reimei

- weeded everything


In Attendance: Meghan,Dave,Peter,Gretchen,Sara,Dylan,Jenna,Abi,Ariel,Lisa,Margot,Jeff

-planted Squash 2-150 ft rows, covered w. reymei
- watered
- planted Green Beans, 2-100ft rows
- planted Soybeans, 1-100ft row


In Attendance: Margot, Jeff,Amy,Keather,Dylan,Megan,Michail,Kate,Tim, Lisa,Dave,Joe,Fran,Emily

-planted 4 rows(120ft) of tomatoes 18" apart
-planted Peppers 8" apart
-planted Broccoli 15" apart
-planted Cabbage 15" apart
-planted Kohlrabi 12" apart


Memorial Day BBQ & Workparty

In Attendance: Margot, Jeff, Lea, Becca, John Henry, Dylan, Emma, Ariel, Gail, Roberto, Ken, Maria, Maria's Mom, Fae, Max, Dave, Peter, Gretchen

- mulched and fertilized garlic with seaweed
- raised beds for next week
- helped Gene with planting
- put up tomato staking


In Attendance: Dylan, Emma, Ariel, Dave, Margot, Jeff

Planted leeks, same as onions, 75ft


In Attendance: Jara and Joel

At Storey's seeded: 2 flats Santo Cilantro
2 flats Snow Crown Califlower
2 flats Oliver Brussels Sprouts
1 flat Genovese Basil
Flats to Margot and Jeff's house: Kholrabi(2), Broccoli(3), Squash(2)


In Attendance: Margot and Joel

Seeded Peas: 2" apart, 2' b/t row, 2 rows
Seeded Chard: 1" b/t, 1' b/t rows, 2 rows

May 10,2009 workparty

In Attendance: Jara ,Joel,Sarah,Gail and Morgan

In the light drizzle and later in the rain, we transplanted 2 flats(72 packs) of Lettuces, 1 flat of Cabbage(mammoth red), 1 flat of Kale(3 varieties). 4-5 beds were dug but only 3 were used. (4 beds-2ft wide,2ft apart)(1 bed-3ft wide)

Lettuce starts- 3 rows, 8" spacing
Lettuce seeds- 3 rows, 1" spacing
Squash seeds- 3 per hill, hills 2' spacing
Cabbage starts- 2 rows, 20" spacing
Kale starts- 3 rows, 12" spacing
* Rain kept us from seeding Chard and Peas