Saturday, May 17, 2008

5/11 Workparty

Peas - the row was weeded (clover left to keep nitrogen in the soil -- a nitrogen-producing bacteria grows on their roots) the seeds were sown directly

Red Oak Lettuce -- had reseeded itself from last year in the field; the plants were separated and planted four to a row about three inches apart; added one more to each row last year because the plants didn't get as big as expected

Mesculun Mustard, Mesculun Lettuce Mix, Chard -- sown directly 3" apart, all in same row

Kale -- Winterbor, Nero di Tuscana (dinosaur), Red Russian -- row was tilled, sown directly 4" apart in two rows, covered in remay cloth to protect from flea beetles.

Some of us went on an herb walk with Angel and potted comfrey and motherwort.


Winter Cache said...

Kale came up very sparse and sporadically. Will replant 6/22. Flea beetles have been a problem. Our floating row cover was constantly blowing off. (it should be buried, not held down with rocks) We've also discussed starting kale in the greenhouse in 200 packs then transplanting rather than direct seeding.

Winter Cache said...

Flea beetles ate the mustards, but didnot touch the chard in between. Next year, cover mustard with floating row cover, do not grow on edge of field next to the grass.

Winter Cache said...

peas were mostly ready for harvesting in the first and second week of july.

also, kale was pulled because of flea beetle problem at the end of June ... new transplants were put in the ground at that time and immediately covered with remay (buried.) this batch has been much more successful.